Upgrade Postgres major version

First, prepare the new image with the new version of Postgres. Then, get both containers to run on the same machine.

For this, deploy using use/repl, ensuring that all the settings are what you want the new database to have. The password can be set at every start, so that doesn't matter. Later, we will change the volume name before running it the normal way.

Next log into the old database, e.g. using docker exec -it -w /dodeka-db d-dodeka-db-1 /bin/bash. Here 'd-dodeka-db-1' is the container name of the old database and '-w /dodeka-db' means we enter the main DB directory.

Then, use pg_dumpall, where '3141' is the local port it's running on and 'dodeka' is the main db user:

pg_dumpall -p 3141 -U dodeka > ./upgrade_dump.sql

Ensure that after this dump is made, no more changes are made to the db, as these will be lost. Best is to shut off any external access (e.g. by shutting down the webserver for a short moment).

Now, you must get the file upgrade_dump.sql to the new database, which you should already have initialized. If you leave the container, you can use docker cp, for example like this:

docker cp d-dodeka-db-1:/dodeka-db/upgrade_dump.sql ./upgrade_dump.sql

Here we again assume the old container is named 'd-dodeka-db-1', the dump file path is '/dodeka-db/upgrade_dump.sql' inside the container and you want to copy it to your local folder. Now, we copy it to the new container (immediately deleting the file locally):

docker cp ./upgrade_dump.sql d-dodeka_repl-db-1:/dodeka-db/upgrade_dump.sql && rm ./upgrade_dump.sql

Notice the other container's name is 'd-dodeka_repl-db-1'. We must now again enter the new database and restore the data.

We do this using the following command (once we have entered with docker exec -it -w /dodeka-db d-dodeka_repl-db-1 /bin/bash):

psql -p 3141 -U dodeka -d postgres -f ./upgrade_dump.sql

Note that this will also restore the passwords as previously set, so login to check if everything is there with the previous password.

Finally, we need to replace the old container's Docker volume by the new one. There are no great solutions for this. First, delete the old volume and recreate it with Docker Compose, like:

docker volume rm d-dodeka-db-volume-production

You want to recreate the volume with Compose, because it will give a warning if done manually. A way to do this simply run deploy.sh on the database, which will automatically create a volume if none existed.

# Copies from your new db's volume to the old one using a temporary container
docker run --rm -it -v d-dodeka_repl-db-volume-production:/from -v d-dodeka-db-volume-production:/to alpine ash -c "cd /from ; cp -av . /to"
# Since our old volume name now contains the new one's data, we can delete the new one and reuse the old one
docker volume rm d-dodeka_repl-db-volume-production

Now, ensure your old deployment uses the new image and restart it. Everything should work then.


# Update dodeka repo on server

# Deploy repl database
cd use/repl

# Turn off database access (shut down apiserver)

# Enter database
docker exec -it -w /dodeka-db d-dodeka-db-1 /bin/bash

# Dump all
pg_dumpall -p 3141 -U dodeka > upgrade_dump.sql

# Copy from old database to local
docker cp d-dodeka-db-1:/dodeka-db/upgrade_dump.sql ./upgrade_dump.sql
# Copy from local to repl database
docker cp ./upgrade_dump.sql d-dodeka_repl-db-1:/dodeka-db/upgrade_dump.sql && rm ./upgrade_dump.sql

# Enter repl database
docker exec -it -w /dodeka-db d-dodeka_repl-db-1 /bin/bash
# Restore database
psql -p 3141 -U dodeka -d postgres -f ./upgrade_dump.sql
# Delete dump file
rm ./upgrade_dump.sql