- Introduction
- Changelog
- Praktisch
- 1. Hoe gebruik je de website?
- 1.1. Account aanmaken
- 1.2. Leuke pagina's
- 1.3. Klassementen
- 1.4. Records
- 1.5. Commissiemail
- 1.6. Bestuur
- 1.6.1. Nieuw lid accepteren
- 1.6.2. Update klassement
- 1.6.3. Rollen
- 2. Vragen en suggesties
- 3. .ComCom
- 3.1. Commissie
- 3.2. Wat kun je leren?
- Technical
- 4. Overview
- 5. Setup
- 5.1. Git
- 5.2. Frontend
- 5.3. Database
- 5.3.1. Test database
- 5.3.2. Simple backup
- 5.4. Backend
- 6. Architecture
- 6.1. Frontend vs Backend
- 6.2. Frontend
- 6.2.1. AuthContext
- 6.3. Database
- 6.4. Backend
- 6.4.1. Performance
- 6.4.2. Cryptography
- 6.4.3. Auth
- 6.4.4. Keys
- 7. Developing
- 7.1. Prerequisites
- 7.2. Cheatsheet
- 7.3. Frontend
- 7.3.1. React
- 7.3.2. Content
- 7.3.3. Images
- 7.4. Backend
- 7.4.1. Routes
- 7.4.2. authpage
- 7.4.3. Schema
- 7.4.4. Integrating the frontend
- 7.5. Deployment setup
- 8. Deployment
- 8.1. Source
- 8.2. Server
- 8.3. Environments
- 8.4. Production
- 8.4.1. Setting up from scratch
- 8.4.2. nginx and SSL certificates
- 8.5. Secrets
- 8.6. Database
- 8.6.1. Upgrade Postgres major version
- 8.6.2. Migrate database schema