1. Introduction
  2. Changelog
  3. Praktisch
  4. Hoe gebruik je de website?
    1. Account aanmaken
    2. Leuke pagina's
    3. Klassementen
    4. Records
    5. Commissiemail
    6. Bestuur
      1. Nieuw lid accepteren
      2. Update klassement
      3. Rollen
  5. Vragen en suggesties
  6. .ComCom
    1. Commissie
    2. Wat kun je leren?
  7. Technical
  8. Overview
  9. Setup
    1. Git
    2. Frontend
    3. Database
      1. Test database
      2. Simple backup
    4. Backend
  10. Architecture
    1. Frontend vs Backend
    2. Frontend
      1. AuthContext
    3. Database
    4. Backend
      1. Performance
      2. Cryptography
      3. Auth
      4. Keys
  11. Developing
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Cheatsheet
    3. Frontend
      1. React
      2. Content
      3. Images
    4. Backend
      1. Routes
      2. authpage
      3. Schema
      4. Integrating the frontend
    5. Deployment setup
  12. Deployment
    1. Source
    2. Server
    3. Environments
    4. Production
      1. Setting up from scratch
      2. nginx and SSL certificates
    5. Secrets
    6. Database
      1. Upgrade Postgres major version
      2. Migrate database schema