This contains the most important information to get you up and running and productive.
Open the command line in the folder where you downloaded / open the terminal in VS Code (Ctrl+`)
General workflow
# go to the main branch
git checkout main
# update the repository
git pull
# go to a new branch (replace branchname with your desired name, no spaces or capital letters allowed)
git switch -c "branchname"
# add all edited files to future commit
git add -A
# commit the changes (change the description to something useful)
git commit -m "commit description"
# upload changes to (replace 'branchname' with what you used earlier)
# in case you already pushed this branch before, you can just do git push
git push --set-upstream origin branchname
See the current status (shows what branch you are on)
git status
Go to a branch
If you want to go to a particular branch, say 'branch-xyz', do:
git checkout branch-xyz
Update a branch
If you want to update your current branch with changes on
git pull
If you have changes locally, this might not work.
Delete all local changes (BE CAREFUL)
If you did some stuff you don't know how to revert, but also don't care to save it, do (be careful!):
git reset --hard
Open the command line in the folder where you downloaded / open the terminal in VS Code (Ctrl+`)
Run the website locally
npm run dev
The website is now available in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
Update dependencies
npm install